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A look at Moses and the serpent of brass, cross reference system, verse, personal bible study tools and resources
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*If you don't have Microsoft Excel, simply send us an email with your study logs in the following format:

date  -  subject of study  -   hours of study

date  -  subject of study  -   hours of study



Hours to be recorded include personal study of the Bible, including research into its history, translations, its verity and evidence thereof, and, of course, regular reading and study of it directly.  Personal study means study done independently (don't include attendance at organized meetings in your personal study log).

Download the HOUR RACK study sheet* to log hours of personal study, then email us monthly to have your hours added to the NEVERCEASE total user hour rack and get feedback on your progress! Ready for a real, positive challenge?  Here it is!





Got something else to tell us?  Shoot us an email!  Yes, we're really on the other end.

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