Seen Us Around?
NEVERCEASE members are active promoters of our organization. We are a grassroots organization, so don't expect to see us in any Super Bowl ads anytime soon, but we make an effort to raise awareness in the most effective ways possible, using what resources we have.
Sometimes that just means sporting a NEVERCEASE jersey at a local 5k run. Sometimes it means taking a bicycle around the Irish Sea wearing one. Maybe one day it will mean flying a streamer behind a hang glider soaring over the New York Times newspaper office (any volunteers?).
If you happen to see media coverage of NEVERCEASE's efforts, let us know! We'll try to keep you informed here at on stories you may be curious about.
Got questions? ideas? Let us know!
But, remember - at the end of the day, we're here to inspire personal Bible study. It's that simple, and that grand. So if you want to impress us, open up (your Bible).